Article Marketing Strategy - for TOP RANKINGS on the Search Engines
What if all of your articles were shown on the front page of Google, Bing and the other search engines? Would that be a"game changer"?
Here are some important tips...
Writing for distribution in an article directory or on your blog or web site is really the same process. It all begins with a strategy! Using key words and key phrases is essential for each and every article and the experts start by analyzing their keywords and formulate their article around the key words and key phrases. This is the beginning of a winning article marketing strategy. Understanding how Google searches the millions and millions of blogs, websites and article directory will enable you to produce the right article with the right content at the right time in the right place.
Readers don't read most articles word for word. They look for certain key phrases and expressions that can help them with their problem. You can utilize smart headers to move you visitors toward the areas of you article that will provide solutions. Successful titles and proper sizing are vital to your "article marketing strategy". Make them brief and powerful and your visitor will love you for it
In the body or your article, you will want to make use of the key phrases in the first sentence and a few times within the core of the text. I always use them in the final sentence as well. Because your reader is usually looking for a solution to a problem or difficulty, you must provide them with value and encourage them to read on and ultimately get to the bottom of the page where your resource box is. The real meat of the article is in your resource box where you will have a bio and a call to action, asking your reader to click a link for more information. Some article directories allow two links and you should have one pointing directly to your capture page.
You are creating content to appeal to the main search engines but your ultimate customers are people and that's who read your articles. Write to men or women directly and let them know you understand them and what they need. Track you content regularly to determine what works and change it out when the interest softens. Use images when you can to help soften the hard text. Consider humor when applicable. People like to smile or even laugh when they read.
The Construction Zone
Let's suppose that you don't really like to write or perhaps you don't feel you'll be effective in your delivery, you should invest some time reading and studying the high ranking articles on article publication sites such as Ezine or Articles Look at the common ones. See how they are produced and constructed and how they drive their traffic toward the resource box at the end of the article. A very effective article marketing strategy is to use a lot of short paragraphs with everyday, easily readable language. Complex phrases tend to offend some readers and should be avoided. Don't confront your visitor with a dissertation or lots of white space. Short, readable paragraphs will make your visitor feel like your article is quick and easy to read and that you have placed a value on their time. You should not include links on your site. Article directory view this as a sales effort and will likely decline your submission.
Use Eye-Catching Headers
The Meat of Your Article
Don't forget who your customer is!
"Spin it"
When you have finished your article you can rewrite it or “spin” it and submit it to hundreds of other article marketing directories. Why? Google won't index more that one copy of the same article. We use The Best to spin our articles and you can find them along with other great tools for marketing, back linking an spinning your articles to create a winning article marketing strategy.
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To Your Success,
Bernie Kaufman
Really thanks for this strategies. It’s so helpful, useful and informative, as well.
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